Thursday, October 11, 2007

Bikram Yoga aftermath

"No, I won't make someone else responsible for my neck pain. It was my fault. I should have known better. I was too ambitious. My neck problems come from the first pranayama exercise of that Bikram series. One has to force the head back with the elbows in order to breath deeply. This exercise was repeated 10 times and then again 10 times. There is always a second set. This was too much. My body was not familiar with this movement either.

Fact is I cannot move anymore. I cry when I make a wrong movement. Every movement is a wrong movement. I cannot lay on my back either. There is no position where I am without pain. This morning I had difficulties to lift my cup of coffee in order to drink. To sip from my cup of coffee was almost impossible as well, because I had to bend my head slightly backwards. I often shout: Aua , Aua. I don't know what to do taday. I can only sit and this hurts, too. What a nightmare. In the heat I didn't feel my limits. I went behind my limits because my body couldn't give me signs that it was too much.

When we went to the Bikram class the owner of the studio was very busy to have us sign a piece of paper, that we are responible for ourselves. I had to cross out that I had been at a doctor before class.

We had to follow exactly what the teacher wanted us to do. Again this was my fault. I should have been much more carefully."